Improve Call Success Rates: Tips and Strategies for Sales Agents

Improve Call Success Rates: Tips and Strategies for Sales Agents

We have received countless calls in our lives. We may even talk to our friends or relatives for hours. Though we love interacting with people, sales calls are usually the ones that we don't want to attend. Even if we attend them we don’t take the calls seriously. Sometimes these calls may even get on your nerves, irritating you to a great extent. The prospects are mostly busy and hardly have much time on their hands. Don’t blow the fuse of busy people!

In the present time, There are various strategies used to improve the success rate of cold calling. Improving call success rates is not easy, but here are a few tips that you can use for your business to boost sales- 

Wrap up the call in a short time

The main catalyst for improving any call is the script. The script should be carefully curated so that prospects do not drive away from the overall intention of the call. The time of every prospect should be valued because they don’t have time to take calls that go on for far too long. According to research conducted by ServiceBell,

“The average length of a successful call is 5 minutes and 40 seconds”. 

Make sure that the call doesn't take more than 5 to 10 minutes to wrap up. When the prospect is busy, just ask for a convenient time to call them back. In this way, the prospects will listen to you and can become potential customers.

Always keep recordings of lead calls

When a call is finished it is important to have a call recording as a reference. The recordings help us to examine the call, which can be later used to improve the quality of cold calling. Each individual involved in the calling will get valuable insights from the team leader to improve their pitch. Whenever there is a follow-up call the team can refer to the saved recordings to extract and confirm all of the details available to them. A recording will also help in clarifying any misunderstandings between the salesperson and the client. When a client listens to the call and clarifies doubts, it will increase their trust due to the call's authenticity.

Nurture the leads and their data

Once the prospect has given you a date and time for a follow-up call it is important to store all the information at a single place. All the leads should be sorted and arranged accordingly to avoid any confusion. If possible create specific notes which can be used in any of the follow-up calls, because the requirements of prospects may vary. Details like, phone number, email address, company name, designation, requirements, timeframe, and the callback date should be stored and updated carefully to convert more leads into customers.

As a starter, these are just a few tips that can help increase sales. However, managing the leads, data, recordings, and employees is a tedious job that cannot be done manually. For this, we recommend, the ultimate tool for automation and telecalling management. has multiple features which can save a lot of time. With an easy-to-use interface, will-

  • Track and monitor the location and attendance of employees during working hours with accurate geolocation tagging.
  • Generate real-time sales reports and client status.
  • Record, save, and access all the business call recordings at a single location.
  • Export and import the data of clients in bulk including call reports, visit reports, attendance, and more.
  • Get instant note pop-ups with follow-up reminders for the calls.
  • Sort, track, and monitor all the leads with callback dates and notes.
  • Send messages and documents directly from the assigned leads.
  • Acquire insights and analytics to supervise the performance of every telecaller.
  • Enable phone number masking to communicate with clients without revealing the phone number.

Along with these features, is free for anyone who is only assigning one user to operate the application. All you have to do is just add a few details and register here -

Simplify lead management and amplify sales to grow your business without manual labor!

Sanidh Parkhie