Version Release

Current version : 4.2

Version 4.2 (24 Jun, 2024)

Added FAQ page for customer queries.

Added a "Team Members" button to display a list of users reporting to a particular manager.

Updated functionality to highlight visit logs created outside a predefined radius from the primary location.

Bug fixes.

Version 4.1 (20 May, 2024)

[Added] - Displayed the alternate number in Call Logs if the call was made to the alternate number of the Contact.

[Added] - Displayed all users of that particular shift on the Shift list page.

[Added] - Implemented functionality for Bulk Shift Assignment.

[Added] - Implemented a setting in Business Configurations to manage the visibility of call recordings in the Mobile App.

Version 4.0 (13 May, 2024)

[Added] - Implemented the functionality to remove profile images.

[Added] - Implemented the functionality to transfer contacts to another user during user deletion or update.

[Added] - Implemented functionality to display working hours based on shift time.

[Updated] - Applied character limits to various input fields.

[Updated] - Updated Contact Assignment: If a user's role is changed to Attendance User, all their contacts will be unassigned.

[Updated] - Updated Contact Info Page: Added contact references on the contact details page.

Version 3.9 (06 May, 2024)

[Added] - Implemented user-wise statistics for Call Logs Reports.

[Added] - Implemented user-wise statistics for Visit Logs Reports.

[Added] - Implemented Multiple Manager functionality during Bulk User creation

[Added] - Implemented functionality to transfer data of inactive or non-working agents to another agent.

[Updated] - Simplified password strength requirements.

Version 3.8 (29 Apr, 2024)

[Added] - Enabled Business Owners or Managers to add Workplace Locations from the MAP when creating a User.

[Added] - Implemented Login with Google (Gmail) account functionality.

[Added] - Implemented Google reCAPTCHA on the Contact Us page.

[Added] - Added an Email field option for User Creation/Editing.

[Added] - Added an "Accept Terms & Conditions" checkbox during registration.

[Added] - Added alternate contact numbers on the contact details page.

[Fixes] - Bug Fixes.

Version 3.7 (22 Apr, 2024)

[Added] - Implemented multi-manager functionality, allowing a single user to have multiple managers.

[Added] - Implemented shift functionality, where work hours will be calculated based on the assigned shift.

[Added] - Implemented Surprise Visit functionality.

Version 3.6 (05 Apr, 2024)

[Added] - Implemented Manager-User hierarchy. From now on, managers will only see records of those users reporting to them, while the business owner will have access to records of every user.

[Added] - Implemented workplace functionality. The location assigned to a attendance user during creation will be considered the primary work location for that user.

[Added] - Created a Work Places page where a list of all workplaces is displayed.

[Added] - Added a Version Release link in the sidebar, which redirects to all previous updates and releases.

Version 3.5 (28 Mar, 2024)

[Added] - Implemented Attendance Log Export Functionality on the Reports page.

[Added] - Implemented Manual Dial and Auto Dial options on the Contacts page for assigning contacts.

[Added] - Implemented functionality that allows users to edit Product labels. Now, users can rename products as categories as well.

Version 3.4 (11 Mar, 2024)

[Added] - Created functionality to upgrade the plan for attendee users.

[Added] - Implemented the requirement for attendee users to purchase at least one All In One/Telecaller/Field Agent AddOn.

[Added] - Modified reminder functionality to prevent removal from the list.

[Added] - Hidden the Manager Access option for attendee users during the creation and editing of users.

[Added] - Added a Products filter in the User -> List page to filter users according to the products assigned to them.

[Added] - Showed statistics of Attendance Users on the Dashboard.

[Added] - Added an attendee User section on the User List page.

[Added] - Displayed "No available contacts" in the Contacts card for zero contacts on the Dashboard.

[Added] - Created separate pages for User Report, Call Log Report, and Visit Log Report.

[Added] - Added the second Visit statistic in the Graph on the Dashboard.

[Updated] - Changed the Date Range filter to a One-day Calendar filter on the map page.

Version 3.2 (26 Feb, 2024)

[Added] - Created functionality to transfer contacts to another user while bulk unassigning.

[Added] - Implemented functionality to send SMS notifications to new users when added by the Business Owner.

[Added] - Implemented Unhide functionality to reveal contacts which were previously hidden.

[Added] - Created functionality so that Business Owners are able to change their own roles.

[Added] - Created functionality to show scheduled reminders for calls and visits.

[Added] - Created the Delete Account webpage.

[Added] - Created functionality to display a pie chart along with contact statuses.

Version 3.3 (26 Feb, 2024)

[Added] - Created functionality to enable website maintenance mode.

[Added] - Created functionality to display total call duration, incoming, outgoing, missed, and rejected call counts on the dashboard.

[Added] - Converted the Feed Log modal to a Feed Side Drawer (Refer to Attachment).

[Added] - Integrated Solid Gauge Chart in the Report Section for Call Logs & Visit Logs.

[Added] - Created functionality to register attendee users.

[Added] - Created functionality to purchase additional addons and renewals for attendee users.

[Added] - Implemented functionality to display visits on a map, where markers move along the path when the user clicks the play button.

[Updated] - Updated the current limit from 10s to 60s for Autodial Next Call Wait configuration in Business Config -> App Config.

[Updated] - Modified create and edit user functionality according to attendee users.

[Updated] - Updated the privacy policy of

Version 3.1 (19 Feb, 2024)

[Added] - Implemented a loader in the Contact Logs.

[Added] - Removed the Delete button from Business Configurations -> Products, Contact Status & Visit Type.

[Added] - Implemented the resend OTP functionality for forgot passwords for business users.

[Added] - Added a "Note" column on the Call Log page and included a "View" button to display the note in a modal when clicked.

[Added] - Created functionality for bulk unassigning contacts from a particular user.

[Added] - Improved the design of the Bulk Unassign functionality.

[Added] - Added a filter on the Location Tracking page with options: 1) other, 2) call, 3) visit, 4) check-in, 5) check-out.

[Update] - Modified User type options to Checkboxes from Radio buttons on the Contacts Page.

[Fixed] - Fixed the inability to search using Contact Name on the Visit Logs page.

[Fixed] - Removed unnecessary loaders from the Website.

[Fixed] - Added validations for file size limits of Profile Pictures, Business Logos, and Product Attachments.

[Fixed] - Resolved the issue where the Note Model was not working on contact details.

[Fixed] - Ensured that date-time entries are not clickable on User Details -> Attendance Log/Location tracking pages and removed unnecessary sorting icons.

[Fixed] - Ensured that the Owner is able to see an enlarged photo of Visit selfies on the User Details -> Visit Logs page (Second Product Tab).

[Fixed] - Corrected the behavior of the Select All checkbox.

Version 3.0 (12 Feb, 2024)

[Added] - Implemented "Deleted By" functionality to show the name of the Manager or Business Owner who deleted another user.

[Added] - Created a version release popup for end users. The popup is displayed after login only once for each release.

[Added] - Added an alternate number column in contact bulk upload.

[Added] - Created the registration page for free users.

[Added] - Implemented displaying only those products which are assigned to users or have records in them.

[Added] - Designed Payment Success page & Cancel Page as per the new design.

[Added] - Added an option to add 2 helplines with the company.

[Added] - Created the functionality to show a loader on all pages on the business user panel (on list, create, edit, delete).

[Added] - Implemented the functionality to show contact feed logs on the contact details page.

[Fixed] - Resolved the issue where Contact Status was not displayed in the Call Log section.

[Fixed] - Corrected the issue where contact number and name displayed in the same column.

[Fixed] - Fixed UI issues on User Details Page.

[Fixed] - Redirected Logged In User to Dashboard if clicked on Pricing Page -> Register Now.

[Fixed] - Fixed wrong Distance travelled calculations on the reports page.

[Fixed] - Fixed the issue where the version release pop-up appeared again and again even after closing it.

Version 2.9 (05 Feb, 2024)

- [Added] New Design of

- [Added] Added a remove button in the product attachment column.

- [Added] Implemented functionality that allows users to hide contacts from the contact list (web & mobile app) if the contact is assigned to a particular contact status.

- [Added] Implemented functionality to apply filter to view hidden contacts.

- [Updated] Updated the date format to DD MM, YYYY throughout the website.

- [Updated] Updated contact status in call logs so that if the contact status changes recently, older contact statuses do not change.

- [Updated] Updated create & edit user functionality and removed Skill & Language fields.

- [Updated] Updated invoice list to display text in red for unpaid and green for paid statuses.

Version 2.8 (29 Jan, 2024)

- [Added] Added the 'role' field to filter and specify users when assigning contacts.

- [Added] Added a loader when a user assigns contacts.

- [Added] Added an alternate number field while adding the contact.

- [Updated] Updated bulk contact upload functionality to show the statistics of valid contacts, invalid contacts, duplicate contacts, etc.

- [Updated] Updated user deactivation functionality to restrict managers from deactivating other managers.

- [Fixed] Fixed UI issue on Contact & User detail page when the product list is lengthy.

- [Fixed] Fixed an issue where the user's status remained checked in if the user was deactivated.

Version 2.7 (22 Jan, 2024)

- [Added] Implemented functionality to display visit information upon hovering over a map marker.

- [Added] Introduced user information section on the dashboard.

- [Added] Included email field when creating a User.

- [Updated] UI of the dashboard.

- [Updated] Restricted manager users from deleting other manager users.

- [Updated] Users can now attach PDF files while creating products.

- [Updated] Colors for contact statuses and visit types.

- [Fixed] Download invoice issue.

- [Fixed] Product toggle functionality.

Version 2.6 (15 Jan, 2024)

- [Added] Implemented assigned user limit settings in business configuration.

- [Added] Introduced tooltips in the report section for better understanding.

- [Added] Introduced loaders in the report section.

- [Added] Included a location column in the attendance log.

- [Fixed] Fixed the calculation of call log percentage in the report section.

- [Fixed] Corrected the dropdown options for visit types in the report section.

- [Fixed] Addressed the calculation issue in the visit logs section on the report page.

Version 2.5 (01 Jan, 2024)

- [Added] Report Section.

- [Fixed] Mobile number verification issue on registartion page.

Version 2.4 (26 Dec, 2023)

[Added] Introduce an "Unassign Contact" feature

Version 2.3 (18 Dec, 2023)

- [Added] Restricted user from logging on multiple Mobile Devices.

- [Added] Introduced Free Subscription Plan

- [Added] Introduced User Check Attendance Log Export functionality

- [Update] UI of Note description popup on Contact Page

- [Update] Remark UI of description popup on Visit Log page & User page

- [Update] file icons of attachments on Contacts page

- [Fixed] Now Business Admin can update Role of Users

- [Fixed] Auto focus issue on Registration form.

- [Fixed] server error when page is refreshed after successful payment.

- [Fixed] error which occured when free subscriber purchase only Telecallers or All-In-One

Version 1.0 (01 Dec, 2023)

- Initial release